“Leaders Vs Managers”

Everyone can be a leader but should they? Even if they are not good at it?
One of the biggest challenges that small companies are facing is trainings for good leaders.
Leadership is a skill that managers should be trained for it, management is not just planning and see the possible future through your imaginations; managers should be leaders as well.

Leadership is about passion and empathy.
When we get promoted for our performance in our role to a manager, we might have some new tasks but our most important task is help people who are under our responsibility do their bests and grow.
The first trap you might get in to in this kind of management job is noticing people’s performance. You were good at your job and that was the reason to get promoted, so you will notice people are doing things wrong in your previous role. The trap is do not engage yourself to handle the problem. If you get to the trap you will the the MicroManager and now people know you as a bad and abusive manager.
The short solution is trust people and help them to learn by doing it again and again. Let them do mistakes.

The difference between a leader and a manager is revealed here. Serving your people to grow and do their bests and planning and admin managing is the side hustle.

Let the product and customer service be their responsibilities as it was yours before. Early managers may learn this by the hard way, management is half management of people and the other half the management of things.


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