Running a 2.5 Hour Feature Sprint with a Startup Mobile App

The Playbook What, How, Why? (30 minutes) ‍ 10-Year Roadmap (30 minutes) ‍ App Review(s) (30 minutes) ‍ Feature List (30 minutes) ‍ Effort/Impact (20 minutes) ‍ Wrap Up You can check out templates from this Feature Sprint… Read More

Probing Questions to Improve Communication (With Examples)

Asking questions is an important part of good communication. Effective communication involves the exchange of information, as well as confirming that the recipient has understood it. Learning how to develop your questioning ability can provide better comprehension, encourage analytical thinking… Read More

Principles of Microeconomics, By Nicholas Gregory Mankiw

Principles of Microeconomics, By Nicholas Gregory Mankiw An American macroeconomist who is currently the Robert M. Beren Professor of Economics at Harvard University. Mankiw is best known in academia for his work on New Keynesian economics. Mankiw has… Read More

Quote of the Day #12

“The only way you are going to have success is to have lots of failures first.”–Sergey Brin, co-founder, Google

“Leaders Vs Managers”

Everyone can be a leader but should they? Even if they are not good at it?One of the biggest challenges that small companies are facing is trainings for good leaders.Leadership is a skill that managers should be trained… Read More

Quote of the day #4

“Motivation is the catalyzing ingredient for every successful innovation.” –Clayton Christensen, economist and Harvard professor

Good to read posts

Organizational Planning and Execution in Three Levels – Strategic, Tactical, Operational

When you are developing a plan for a company based on the time horizon, which could be like six months or a one-year plan, you need to consider these three dimensions.  The Strategic Level The strategy level is… Read More

Scenario Planning: Strategy, Steps and Practical Examples

Steps to Analysis the problems of a firm

Define the central issue Define the firm’s goals Identify the constraints to the problem Identify all the relevant alternatives Select the best alternative Develop an implementation plan